Which Course is Right For Me?
Read below for more info on the three levels of classes through MI Academy.
Which Course is Right For Me?
Read below for more info on the three levels of classes through MI Academy.
Foundations of Motivational Interviewing (12 hours)
If you need a refresher in Motivational Interviewing (it’s been a while!), or are NEW to MI, this course is for you.
Because Motivational Interviewing has been around for a hot minute (since the early 1980’s!), many folks have had some exposure to MI. Maybe you attended a lunch-n-learn, or workshop at a conference. Maybe someone at your agency presented an overview of MI, or you took a self-paced short seminar online. Perhaps you have heard of the ‘OARS’ skills but don’t feel confident in each one of those skills. You may have the sense you use Motivational Interviewing, but aren’t sure how to describe exactly what that means or when to use it. This course is for you if any of those are true!
You will complete this course with CONFIDENCE, able to say, “I know what Motivational Interviewing is; I am comfortable using each of the OARS skills; I know how the spirit of MI & OARS & 4 Tasks fit together; and, I know when to pick up the tool of MI (and when not to)!”
- Module 1: Spirit of MI. The absolute foundation of Motivational Interviewing is the spirit of MI. I like thinking of “spirit” as the attitude we bring to the helping relationship. In this module, we will explore the confounding complexities of behavior change, roadblocks to listening, stages of change & feel the difference between persuasion versus Motivational Interviewing.
- Module 2: Essential Components of MI. In this module, we go over the foundational components of MI: the Righting Reflex, Spirit, OARS skills, and the 4 Processes. OARS are the micro skills of MI, and stand for Open-ended questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summaries. We will also discuss 3 styles of communication, the history of Motivational Interviewing & the research base. The most important of the OARS skills, Reflective listening, begins in this module.
- Module 3: Engagement with OARS! In this session, we will talk about pitfalls and skills related to the first process of MI, Engagement. Time is spent covering simple versus complex reflections, and how to begin to guide conversation with reflections.
- Module 4: Rowing with OARS! OARS skill development continues! Even MORE reflection practice is covered as we explore 7 types of complex reflections. Then, we move into Affirmation skill discussion and practice, as we identify client strengths to increase self-efficacy. Reflections and Affirmations are “simple, but not easy” skills that are essential to the art of Motivational Interviewing. We cover the differences between Affirming and cheerleading and help set YOU up for increasing your affirmations with clients.
- Module 5: Focusing with OARS! We discuss Focusing, the second process of MI. We also go over Agenda Mapping, and utilizing Summaries to consolidate and guide conversation. See a MI demo in a brief encounter. In this module, we practice writing summaries while learning about the importance of Change Talk. What’s Change Talk anyhow? The acronym DARN-CAT is introduced, as we learn how to tune our ears to catch client Change Talk.
- Module 6: Evoking & Planning with OARS! OARS skills practice continues as we explore Open-ended questions, scaling questions, and strategic methods for evoking Change Talk. The third process of MI, Evoking, is explored as we learn to LISTEN for change talk, REFLECT change talk, and PULL FOR MORE. 10 Methods for evoking Change Talk are covered. We address methods for “rolling with resistance,” so you will gain confidence in tackling those ‘difficult’ client conversations. Learn the common pitfalls to the fourth process of MI, the Planning Process, and ways to create effective change plans with (not for!) your clients! Time is also spent providing overview of MI provider goals, and additional learning resources.
Values Bonus Resource: Understand the importance of values in MI, including developing discrepancy as one source of motivation for change.
In addition to the 6 modules of video content, handouts and practice exercises, participants have access to 6 hours of live virtual MI skills practice sessions with MINT trainers. During these sessions, more skills practice in OARS will be covered as well as Q&A. Participants have 12 weeks to complete the modules, and 12 weeks of access to the rotating 6-hours of live skills training.
MI Skills Lab Intermediate (15 hours)
If you have taken basic MI training in recent years, you are eligible to sign up for this intermediate course! (A basic course in MI is typically 10 or more hours. If you have not yet or need a solid refresher, join our Foundations course first!). After a quick review, we move into experiential practice. We will be practicing the OARS skills in each of the 4 Tasks of MI in each session.
Questions to ask yourself:
MI Uplevel Advanced (12 hours)
Are you ready to sign up for an advanced course in MI?
We recommend all participants have completed a quality MI introductory workshop (@12 hours) with a MINT-member trainer within the last few years, and/OR an intermediate course, OR had some kind of recent refresher via training, book study, or other practice recently. We will hit the ground running!
Questions to ask yourself:
Practice and feedback are strong components of this course. We are not teaching MI content, but rather exploring the nuances and ‘gray’ areas of MI while exploring fidelity. If you don’t meet the above criteria, try our intermediate Skills Lab (link) course first. We run our live virtual intermediate MI Skills Lab courses 3-4x a year.
MI fidelity is the threshold of demonstrated skills required by providers in all of those amazing evidence-based practice research trials. In this course, we are going to look at MI through the lens of the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) coding system. This is not a course in how to code, but rather utilizing the coding system as a personal learning tool. Through this lens, you will learn ‘what is MI’ and ‘what is not,’ how to listen for the global elements used to code MI, as well as explore the provider behavior counts, with particular focus on Reflection to Question ratio. You'll learn what the MI-adherent and MI-non-adherent behaviors are (what we are striving toward, and what we're avoiding). We will listen to lots of good and not-so-good MI sessions to tune our ears to the complex elements of MI. And we will do lots of practice, because learning a new skill takes practice. Individual feedback is a strong component in this course.
In addition to receiving coaching and guidance during our group sessions, you will be provided with software to record your own sessions. Using artificial intelligence MI coding software, you can record and gain instant coded feedback on as many of your MI sessions as you'd like during the course.
BONUS! It's a HIPAA compliant platform for telehealth if you want to record sessions with clients, with their written consent, of course). Listening to your OWN sessions and receiving this coded feedback will give you real data about where you are on your journey toward MI fidelity.
Week 1: We will briefly orient to the MI framework, OARS, 4 Processes & Change Talk. We will look at fidelity through one of the MI coding systems, the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI). What does it really look like to be displaying the MITI global domains of Partnership & Empathy over the course of a MI conversation? (Yes, you can MEASURE empathy!). We will also listen to MI examples and explore ways we can reach fidelity with MI Partnership & Empathy. Then, we will complete an in-session Real Play that you will have the opportunity to record (only if you want!). Throughout this course, you can upload as many of your MI practice sessions as you’d like to the HIPPA-compliant Lyssn platform that provides MI coded feedback on your work. At the end of each session, you will set personal learning goals for your MI practice.
Week 2: MI is a guiding style of communication and there is a focus around which we are supporting the resolution of ambivalence. We will explore and practice ways to artfully guide the conversation toward change. This week we will explore the other two MITI global domains: Cultivating Change Talk & Softening Sustain Talk. Again, we will listen to MI examples and explore ways to reach fidelity in these areas. Another opportunity for real-time real play practice occurs with the focus this week on Evoking Change Talk skills.
Week 3: Through the MITI, we look at the interviewer behavioral counts that support MI fidelity. We will get really good at assessing R to Q ratio (Reflection to Question), while listening for those evocative Open-Ended Questions and practicing advanced change-oriented reflective listening. After all the good and not-so-good MI demos we have reviewed, it’s time to use our newfound lens to look at our own MI work. We will explore self-assessment as we continue to practice, practice, practice with one another. We encouraged continued individual practice & coded feedback! As Bill Miller said, if you are learning how to play the piano, you don’t just tell your piano teacher how you think you are doing, you play for them! This is your chance for individualized coaching feedback on your MI learning progress!
Week 4: Pulling it all together! We've explored MI fidelity through the MITI lens, looked at our own sessions and progress, and done lots of practice, practice practice! You know we will practice some more! Plus, we will enjoy watching perhaps the best MI Real Play ever recorded and discussing the art of MI in practice. There will be a chance to set MI learning & practice goals to take with you on the road, and practice affirming yourself and each other on the amazing work you’ve done!
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